Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hello, and stuff.

So I finally broke down and made a blog. Well, actually I had one briefly before on Tumblr, until it was overrun by scenester Myspace refugees. So I'm really just rejoining the blogging world, maybe because when I try to write this down in an actual notebook my hand trembles too much. Damn those mocha espressos...for as much as Starbucks charges for them it might as well be liquid cocaine. Anyways my name is Amanda, hence why I named this blog "The A Word". It's sort of a double entendre, well it is a double entendre. It's also what I told myself I'd name my radio show if I live through the Mayan apocalypse to graduate from broadcasting school. If you're unfortunate enough to stumble upon this collection of fever babble, you'll notice a couple of things about me:

- Self-depreciating humor
- Bone dry dark sarcasm
- A loose internal monologue
- Opinionated rants
- Well-meaning and good-natured weirdness
- Rampant sailor mouth

Many have enjoyed my writing, many have not not, others have been indifferent. Funny how that works, huh? There should be a link to my Facebook somewhere around here if you enjoy my nonsense enough to want to become impersonally acquainted with me via the Interweb. I will usually accept anyone, unless you're like, mean and stuff. As it says next to my mugshot I am currently a broadcast journalism student with a focus on pop culture, specifically and preferably film. I will from time to time write my own movie reviews/rants here, as being a movie nerd means I love discussing them.

I am who I am, you are who you are. It's very rare that I don't get along with someone, passed the craziness I like to think I'm a decent and kind individual. If at any time I joke about someone or something, know that I do not do it with malicious intent. Just in good fun. However I will never joke about race, personal beliefs, or sexual orientation. I find such jibes to be too easy and just distasteful. A good sense of humor is essential for this blog experience. If you can't take a joke, you needn't read any further. If you haven't elevated past an 8th grade mentality, you needn't read any further. There, disclaimer over.

Anyways if you decide to read this crap, I'm flattered. Have at it and enjoy at your own risk.

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